Monday, July 31, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
IFP Market selects Dancing Ground

Next stop: Palm Springs
Book your tickets. Grab your sunscreen. Dancing Ground has been selected to play the Palm Springs International Short Film Festival sometime between August 24 and 30. I'll let you know when they set the programming schedule. This is a very exciting development, and I can't wait to make the trip!
Dancing Ground officially part of True West Cinema
I'm excited to announce Dancing Ground will play close to home. The Boise, Idaho-based True West Cinema Festival will screen Dancing Ground between August 10 and 13. My friend and fellow filmmaker Hope Dickson Leach (who made the wonderful film The Dawn Chorus, and whose website I completely ripped off) found this festival and told me about it. They haven't put together the schedule yet, but check their website. It should be coming soon.
Flatland Film Festival & awards
We're going to Lubbock, Texas. Well, the movie is, anyway. Dancing Ground has been selected to the Flatland Film Festival, August 10-12. So if you're going to be in or around Lubbock the second week of August, drop by the Louise H. Underwood Center for the Arts. According to the website, we've won an award, although they're not saying which one. I'll update you when I know more.
Dancing Ground to play Woods Hole
We've been accepted to our first post-Columbia film festival: Woods Hole Film Festival on Cape Cod, Massachussettes. Dancing Ground will screen at the 3pm program on the last day of the festival, August 5th.
Columbia University Film Festival FACULTY HONORS and KIM'S VIDEO AWARD
I'm very pleased to announce that Dancing Ground won two honors at the 2006 Columbia University Film Festival. The film earned Faculty Honors and the Kim's Video Award.